
Verben mit Präpositionen Plus für iPhone

  • Kostenlos

  • In Deutsch
  • V 1.10
  • 4.8

  • Sicherheitsstatus


Verben mit Präpositionen Plus: Eine Must-Have-App für Deutschlerner

"Verben mit Präpositionen Plus" is an essential application for anyone learning German. With its comprehensive list of verbs and preposition combinations, this app will help you master this challenging aspect of the language.

The free version of the app provides access to 30 commonly used verbs and their corresponding prepositions. For those looking to remove advertisements and unlock over 200 verbs, the full version is available for purchase. What's more, purchasing the full version also grants access to future updates with additional verbs, ensuring that your learning experience remains up-to-date.

The app offers four game modes to enhance your learning experience. In the Classic Mode, you'll be presented with nine sentences and must correctly place the appropriate preposition from four possible options. The Time Attack mode challenges you to answer as many correct sentences as possible within 90 seconds. Brain Survival mode tests your skills by giving you only three chances to make mistakes. Lastly, the Akkusativ / Dativ mode focuses on matching verbs with their respective prepositions and determining whether they require the Akkusativ or Dativ case.

Additionally, the app includes a comprehensive list of verbs and their preposition combinations. With over 200 verbs already reviewed by language professionals, this list will continue to grow and update automatically at no extra cost.

Whether you're preparing for a German certification examination or simply aiming to improve your language skills, "Verben mit Präpositionen Plus" is a practical and invaluable tool that will support your journey to German fluency.

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Verben mit Präpositionen Plus für iPhone

  • Kostenlos

  • In Deutsch
  • V 1.10
  • 4.8

  • Sicherheitsstatus

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